Rebetiko Trio (GRC)

Vasilis Skoutas (bouzouki, vocal), Dimitris Mitarakis (guitar, vocal) and Giannis Zarias (violin, baglama) met many years ago while performing together for various bands in Athenian music venues. As a trio they have loads of fun performing their favorite Rebetika and Minor Asia songs, trying to explore to the fullest their instrumental and singing skills. Their favorite composers are many…

Skarvelis, Karipis, Tountas, Peristeris, Markos, Tsitsanis, Hatzichristos, Tzouanakos and so on and so forth. The performance of said music pieces often deviate from a standard reproduction of the original covers, with changing harmonies, rhythmic meddling and improvisations depending on the mood, however, always with respect to the original’s color.

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