Exchange and communication are key to making music. Since their first encounter with ensemble reflektor in 2017, SYRIAB has been dedicated to sharing music with other musicians. Be it a symphony orchestra, a classical string trio or a big band, professional or amateur ensemble likewise, special musical moments, marvelous experiments and – most importantly – unforgettable encounters are created. Abdalhade Deb (oud/vocals) studied Arabic vocals and oud in Damascus. At the same time, he worked as a teacher at the Pedagogical Music Institute Damascus. He has been living in Germany since 2016 and performs in various ensembles at world music festivals as well as in classical music formats. He is currently pursuing a master’s degree in „musik.welt“ at the University of Hildesheim. Ibrahim Bajo (Kanun) studied music education and Kanun in Homs and Damascus. He works in the field of theater pedagogy at the Meininger Staatstheater and demonstrates his artistic diversity as an actor, musician and vocalist in a choir. He is workshop leader for oriental art of playing in the „Ensemble for Music of the Middle East“.

Fotos: Marie Liebig

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