Holger Fröhlich – (DEU)

Holger Fröhlich has worldwide experience as a musician on the biggest stages, renowned festivals and important events, be it as a saxophonist, bandleader or arranger. After studying school music and mathematics, he graduated with a degree in Jazz & Popular Music in Mainz, majoring in saxophone. He received formative lessons here and later from Paul Heller, Steffen Weber, Joachim Ullrich, Ed Partyka, Florian Ross and Jim McNeely, among others. Following an abbreviated traineeship, which he completed with top marks and distinction, he received his doctorate in music education in Hamburg (summa cum laude) with a thesis on „Digital Media“. His extensive expertise in the field of digital music production combined with his outstanding skills in the areas of arranging, improvisation, ensemble conducting and music theory make him a sought-after lecturer at numerous universities, coach, trainer and speaker at congresses.

As part of the Microsoft competition „Show Ideas“, Fröhlich received several international awards and was the only German representative at the worldwide forum in Prague to win in the category „Collaboration“
from over 250,000 participants.

Musically, Holger Fröhlich was already highly decorated in his youth with prizes in the competitions „Jugend musiziert“ and „Jugend jazzt“ at the state and national level (both as a soloist and with ensembles). With bands and also as a former member of the LJJO Hessen, he undertook numerous international tours at an early stage and appeared as a soloist at important festivals worldwide (South America, Japan, Canada, France, Russia,…).

In the live band of the ZDF television garden he participated as a saxophonist in numerous productions. As an arranger he writes for well-known ensembles of various instrumentations. As the leader of the Junior Band of the LJJO, Holger Fröhlich has been allowed to promote young jazz musicians in Hesse since 2007 and is also involved as a juror in competitions or within music foundations.


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